Whether you are an 'old hand' or relative 'newbie' to geocaching here you'll find a wealth of information including everything you need to know about how your GPS works; what the features do and how to do Pocket Queries to load into it so you don't need to print out cache pages anymore. Not got a GPS yet and want to buy one? Then the buying guide will help you choose. Perhaps you have a smart phone and use that for caching? Did you know you can load your Pocket Queries into that too?
Are you about to create your first cache page and want to make it more interesting with images and different fonts? Then you can find out how using HTML code. It's easy! You can also add scripts to your web browser to give you more information on the cache page including Ordnance Survey maps and gallery images. Bit put off because all this sounds really technical and complicated? Don't worry. Everything is written in an easy to understand style but if you are a bit of a geek I've made sure you've got the information you need too. Use the menu above to find what you are looking
for. When the page opens,
click on the compass
arrow UK Geocaching Policies WikiThe new UK Geocaching Policies Wiki now contains lots of information about placing caches, including guidelines, map resources, where you need specific permission and help on where to apply. It is a very important resource for UK geocachers. | Search the site Enter any text, maps, gps, garmin (not case sensitive) Maps for your GPS